5. Review Week 1#


This is the last lecture of the week.

We will finish the material from the previous lecture and then… Time for review!

Some tips to prepare this review:

Test your understanding

  • Try to explain the new concepts to your peers

  • Get their feedback on clarity and completeness


  • Try to review the course material as regularly as possible

  • Formulate your own questions on the parts that are not 100% clear for you
    What is it exactly that you do not understand?

  • Remember there is no stupid question as you are learning

Journaling your bugs and fixes

  • While programming, you will get stuck very often. It’s part of the game! When you search on the web how to debug your code, try to document the solution that worked. You may encounter a similar issue later and it is very frustrating to remember the past issue but not its fix!



Learning is fun. Don’t forget to have fun.